Friday, August 11, 2006

I don't understand!

Why is "understand" a word for comprehending something? Is there an "overstand?"

Why does standing under something means you know what I'm saying?


  1. Now, I know you can use OED as well as I can, so I'm going to try to reason this out without looking it up ...

  2. I don't understand why you would not have posted a picture of your fabulous new haircut so that all the world could rejoice with you.

  3. haha, I don't actually own a camera. And I'm not typically one to get a photograph taken without there being an occassion.

  4. is not the cutting of ones hair a significant enough of an event

  5. The last haircut I attended was documented with at least 6 great photos, so clearly you need to find yourself a support team for the emotional trauma you surely experienced.

    Did you happen to donate your hair to Locks of Love? I'm sure you had 10 inches, and I think you can even get a free haircut out of it. Next time.

  6. In fact I donated 13".
    That was one of the reasons I kept growing it for so long, otherwise I'd have cut it a while ago. I had 2 hairstylists fawning over my hair as they were cutting it off. I didn't realize I'd get a free haircut out of the deal until it was done and I was ready to pay.

  7. Hey! Enough hair chit-chat in here! The man asked a serious question about language!

    Actually, I don't have much to contribute. I've puzzled over this for awhile, and I think the root words have to be Anglo-Saxon, with the same meaning they always have. Why English uses the image of standing under something to mean comprehension, I cannot say.

  8. OED confirms what I said, but doesn't give any insight into the metaphor. Neither does New Century Dictionary. I guess it's a metaphor that doesn't appeal to us anymore.

  9. Wow! You're amazing! Brandon, that is. Sorry Chaka, but your uncertain response just doesn't impress me like 13 inches toward some sickly child does. Way to go!

  10. Don't worry Chaka! Your uncertain responses always impress me!
