Tuesday, October 03, 2006

As we approach our garbology unit...

I'm on an intense reduce, reuse, recycle, rethink kick right now, so I'm continually noticing how much garbage I produce and how wasteful I am with every possible resource. On that note, in your expert opinion, can the wrappers for the Dove chocolates be recycled? They are made out of aluminum foil (so I'd say, "yes!"), but there are words and a coating which may interfere with the recycling process.

Also, for any of you who have athletic shoes that you were thinking of throwing away, DON'T! Drop them off or send them to a program called NikeGrind. They reuse them to create sports surfacing products, thus preventing them from taking up space in our landfills. For more details, see http://www.nike.com/nikebiz/nikebiz.jhtml?page=27&cat=reuseashoe


  1. This probably isn't the best time for me to let you know that I've walked passed a recycling receptacle to throw away a recyclable bottle in the trash can on more than one occassion.

  2. You're right. There is no good time for me to hear those words. I actually picked up a soda bottle off the floor of the city bus today because I assumed the driver would not recycle it. And it felt SO good to know that it's not going to take up space in a landfull that I'll do it again as soon as I can!

  3. I'm against throwing stuff on the ground, I never do that. But I don't always recycle.

    Do you think that just because something ends up in a recycling bin, it's going to get recycled? I always figure that even though there's a bin, they probably stick a lot of recycling with the trash, since it's impossible to know whether kids actually only threw recyclables in that bin.

  4. Also, if I did start recycling, it wouldn't be because of the environment. It would be because I see bums picking through the recycling for cans and it would be harder for them to find cans if they are all scattered in the trash.

  5. all this talk kinda makes me wanna get in my oversized truck, buy about a thousand aluminum cans of crappy soda, dump them down the drain, fill them up with styrofoam, light them on fire, take what remains and mix it in with some newspaper, and maybe a few plastic bottles, bag them up in 3 layers of plastic garbage bags and then get back in my oversized truck and take them - one by one, one bag per trip to the landfill.

  6. i also says to myself, hmmmm - your lovely shoe drop of thing looks fun. now if i lived in minnesota where would i go to drop them off?
    well, apparently i wouldn't !

  7. I eat shoes for breakfast

  8. thats not our fault
