Thursday, November 15, 2007

Free Rice, Free Words

I have discovered a website that serves as the perfect complement to my vanity. You can send free rice to hungry people by correctly answering multiple choice vocabulary questions. I was able to make it to vocabulary level 49 after playing for about ten minutes and donating 540 grains. No dictionaries were consulted. Can you beat that? Click the banner above to find out.

Now they need to make a national televised gameshow.

HT: Former fellow Hebrew student D. C. Cramer.


  1. Anonymous3:09 PM

    The wife chides: Were you blogging at work?

  2. I'm a little bitter. I can't get passed level 43! And I'm not gonna lie--that took awhile. I'm definitely level 42 material, but that third correct guess bumped me up for a brief, but victorious moment. And I only allow myself a few rounds a day because I'm pretty weak in front of nerdy time-wasters.

  3. Lunch break, wife. I do get a lunch break.

  4. The web site takes so long to load...

  5. it takes for-fucking-ever between levels... I'm talking waits of 30 seconds or more for me. I don't know if feeding people who are starving is worth it.

  6. I'm a 35-36.
    But I did donate 1020 grains. That can still fit in a ladle probably.

  7. Um, I'm thinkin' there's something wrong with your computer 'cause I've never thought the game slow (and my computer's as old as the hills!).

    p.s. I hit 44. So much for resisting temptation.

  8. I got up to 43... but with JLB's help.

  9. When he left I ducked back down into the 30's immediately, haha.
