A co-worker asked me yesterday, "Where do you shower?"
I responded with slight confusion, "In my apartment bathroom."
She seemed dissatisfied and continued to tell me, "You can go to another building, you know."
An even greater confusion over took me as I wanted to scream, "Why in the world would I walk to another building, carrying all my shower necessities with me, to shower amongst potential dirt not of my own, along side other potential shower users, when I have a perfectly private and clean shower five feet from my warm bed!?!"
Instead, after a period of uncomfortable silence, I chose to respond with, "Well, I do have a water heater."
This woman seemed annoyed that I couldn't understand the benefits of her shower oasis and dropped the subject with a final word, "We can go together some day soon."
Sunrise on the Reaping: The 3 Questions
18 hours ago