I've argued in the distant and
recent past for the principle of
subsidiarity. (HT to
Jon Schindler for giving me the word for what I was arguing for). I also firmly believe that
Illinois is the worst-governed state that I've lived in. Honesty requires me to acknowledge that a recently acquired fact puts these two principles, both near and dear to me, in seeming contradiction.
Apparently, the voters of Illinois are asked every twenty years whether they want to have a brand new constitutional convention.
Jesse White, Illinois Secretary of State, recently sent me a
pamphlet explaining the proposed call for a convention, along with arguments for and against the call.
Incidently, Jesse White is one of my prime examples of the illness in Illinois governance. His name (and often his likeness) is plastered on everything associated with the Secretary of State's office, as though it was his own personal fiefdom. Which it probably is.
Exhibit A, your honor. This ain't a campaign site, kids; it's where you go for all your licensing needs in the big Ill.
Anyway, the Secretary of State's office sent this pamphlet, which happens to mention that "Illinois has over 6,900 units of government
far more than any other state in the nation. Delegates to a constitutional convention could propose ideas to consolidate state and local governments to provide citizens with a more responsive and cost-effective government services."
Ah, the bitter taste of cognitive dissonance. I would have thought that multiple small units of government would make for more responsive government than a few gigantic ones. But my experiences/uninformed prejudices tell me that Illinois does this badly. What to believe?
And what to vote? I like the idea of voting for the convention just to shake things up, but I don't have any confidence that the delegates would get right what the legislature gets wrong.
Lastly, I can't resist linking to
this. My internal Gollum agrees entirely with Barney Frank on this one. Actually, Gollum doesn't give a fig for patriotism, precious. He just has a very shallow well of pity for people who make millions of dollars screwing things up.